Kenia: Learning with nature in your own school garden
Rose M. Ingala, Gardening Teacher
In 1994, when I came to this place the school had only a kitchen garden, which was very small. And in my heart, I wanted to expand the school farm, and that dream was growing in me.
In addition to classical subjects, agriculture is also on the timetable at the Rudolf Steiner school in Mbagathi, Kenya. The 4.5 hectare farm is the heart and center of the school – here the 340 pupils learn how to grow their own vegetables without using pesticides, and experience first-hand how important it is to grow and consume food carefully. In addition, the garden, which has been managed biodynamically since 2016, also provides most of the food for the children’s meals – from beans and potatoes to spinach and carrots.
The garden at the Rudolf Steiner School is also an important learning center for (other) teachers and people involved in agricultural practice. During school vacations, the farm is used for training in biodynamic agriculture and Waldorf education for teaching staff and practitioners from all over Africa.
The school garden, surrounded by trees and shrubs, is not only used for self-catering and education, but also has a healing effect on the students. This peaceful place helps them to overcome their often difficult family histories and gives them strength to find their own way to a better future. An all-around coherent and meaningful concept that bears lasting fruit.