Now is the time to say: God is queer.
For the German Protestant Kirchentag 2023 in Nuremberg, we created a “BestOf-Film”. In addition to moving images, we collected quotes and statements and edited a 90-second version and then a long version on site and at the end of the event.
Selected quotes from the film (translated from German):

Because the one who is neutral in right and wrong.
– Annalena Baerbock
He takes the side of the aggressor.

Because the present is simply so much more fun when you don’t resist the crises, but tackle them and make the best of them.
– Luisa Neubauer

Let us never, allow the war to be a new normal.
– Natalia Gavrilița
Camera Post-Production Production Conception
38. Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag 2023 in Nürnberg e.V.